Thursday, March 1, 2012


I am a fan of sleep. I seriously love it. Not sure how I survived so long without it during my college days. Seriously, just thinking of going to bed at midnight (which was once considered early) is a nightmarish thought!

When I first started dating Brandon we would stay up for hours talking on the phone. About a month or so into the relationship, Brandon made a goal to get up early and go to the gym every morning. This goal not only changed his life but mine as my bedtime became 10pm if not earlier. With that it has led to some complications in our marriage.

When Brandon head hits the pillow he falls asleep in minutes. I on the other hand taking a lot longer. Maybe it's because I can't turn my thoughts off, but whatever the reason it takes me about 1-2 hours to actually fall asleep. My whole life I have read before falling asleep but this is an issue because my significant other needs it to be "pitch". Brandon then wakes up earlier then I do and doesn't understand why I can't get up. I seriously don't know why either. I just can't. I remember being in elementary school and my parents going through extremes to get me out of bed. I hated it!! Nowadays I struggle waking up because a. my body doesn't want to yet and b. I'm having a really good dream.

In my perfect world I would probably wake up every day between 9 and 10am. I know this will never be a reality. I literally fear the day when I have kids and they are crying because mommy wants to sleep! I have no idea how I will cope!!!

On another note, I have absolutely NO IDEA how people wake up at 5am and go to the gym. Every time I swear I'm going to it never happens when the alarm goes off. Brandon actually offered to pay me $100 a week to exercise before work 3 times a week. I did it for one morning. BUT, I will say, after the fact that Brandon said it was way harder then he was expecting...cause of course I made him come with me.

Awwww, sleep. I choose you.